
    Emad Masoud

    When people praise my ideas it is nice to hear, but I don’t learn anything. If people disagree, I learn. If they convince me, I am thankful and I change. If I believe I was...

    Emad Masoud

    “Our clients' systems support modern society. In making them faster, more productive, and more secure, we don'`t just make business work better. We make the world work better.”

    What does User Mind do?

    We bring together all the necessary technology and services to help our clients solve their business problems.

    Emad Masoud

    UX Business Strategy

    UX strategy is the process that should be started first, before the design or development of a digital product begins. It’s the vision of a solution that needs to be validated with real potential customers to prove that it’s desired in the marketplace. Although UX design encompasses numerous details such as visual design, content messaging, and how easy it is for a user to accomplish a task, UX strategy is the ‘Big Picture.’ It is the high-level plan to achieve one or more business goals under conditions of uncertainty.

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    Emad Masoud

    Design Sprints

    Take design thinking to the next level and get your product to market faster. This agile-like program will help to focus teams on goals, validation and structure an actional road map before development beings.

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    Emad Masoud

    HCD (Human-Centered-Design)

    First and foremost, human-centered design is all about understanding your users. A good product designer will help design products that work well across a variety of use cases across a wide range of audiences, from mobile to desktop, from sites to apps. Testing product designs is also a vital aspect of human-centered design. For usability testing, we should discuss the methodologies we used. Did we conduct structured, one-on-one interviews with users while they tried specific tasks with product prototypes, simply I am a user and product advocate, problem solver first, and a designer last.


      Emad Masoud

      I do better design practices to change our relationship to technology

      Explore & Learn About My Approach

      Emad Masoud

      UX Business Strategy

      UX strategy is the process that should be started first, before the design or development of a digital product begins. It’s the vision of a solution that needs to be validated with real potential customers to prove that it’s desired in the marketplace. Although UX design encompasses numerous details such as visual design, content messaging, and how easy it is for a user to accomplish a task, UX strategy is the ‘Big Picture.’ It is the high-level plan to achieve one or more business goals under conditions of uncertainty.

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      Emad Masoud

      Design Sprints

      Take design thinking to the next level and get your product to market faster. This agile-like program will help to focus teams on goals, validation and structure an actional road map before development beings.

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      • Test3
      Emad Masoud

      HCD (Human-Centered-Design)

      First and foremost, human-centered design is all about understanding your users. A good product designer will help design products that work well across a variety of use cases across a wide range of audiences, from mobile to desktop, from sites to apps. Testing product designs is also a vital aspect of human-centered design. For usability testing, we should discuss the methodologies we used. Did we conduct structured, one-on-one interviews with users while they tried specific tasks with product prototypes, simply I am a user and product advocate, problem solver first, and a designer last.

        Emad Masoud

        Vision Relate To The Strategy

        Strategy has two pieces: one is how your business is going to evolve — what you’re doing, how you’re doing it. The second one is the understanding of what’s changing in the world. The clearest example is Nokia in 2007: if you were just focusing on your phones and how you’re going to change them, but you weren’t thinking about how the iPhones were changing the market, that obviously made a huge difference in the strategy.

          Emad Masoud


          I think it’s really important to read fiction and non-fiction on a regular basis because it’s a good opportunity to understand new mindsets and spend some time on thinking how to tell a story.Empathy is another essential skill for a product designer. You can only do so much user research or data analysis, but you simply can’t understand what that person was thinking when they were using your product. Reading fiction can give you a glimpse into other perspectives and doing things in a different way that you haven’t considered.


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